Bactimo capsules are natural antifungal capsules developed by the Vital Care research and Development team. It contains herbal ingredients that provide natural antifungal and antibacterial properties. It can be used to tackle skin infections and diseases with natural ingredients. It contains Bawachi, Neem, and Haritaki.
ManjisthaAs blood purifier and restore normal skin glow so enhance beauty
Neem barkPowerful skin tonic
BawachiReduces inflammatory reactions on skin
Kuntaj BarkArrest keratinocyte proliferation in psoriatic conditions
- Powerful antibacterial & antifungal action
- Helps control leucodermal patches
- Useful in eczema, pruritus & other skin disorders
- Adjuvant treatment in leprosy & Psoriasis
Dosage: 1 Capsule twice a day or as directed by the physician.
Indication: Dermatitis, itching, bacterial & fungal infections.
Presentation: Blister pack of 10 x 10 capsules ,250 capsules pack.
Ingredient Name | Qty(in mg.) |
Rubia cordifolia (Manjistha) | 600 mg. |
Psoralea corylifolia (Bawachi) | 600 mg. |
Holarrhena antidysenterica (Kutaj) | 550 mg. |
Azadirachta indica (Neem) | 400 mg. |
Cassia tora (Chakramarda) | 400 mg. |
Cassia occidentalis (Kasmard) | 300 mg. |
Berberis aristata (Rasanjan) | 250 mg. |
Terminalia chebula (Haritaki) | 200 mg. |
Excipients | Q.S. |
One of the best product
Excellent product. Remarkable effects in de-pigmentation, acne and psoriasis.
Very good product for all type skin problems
Very nice product. Suggested by my friend. It's very helpful in reducing pimples.
Excellent product. Remarkable effects in de-pigmentation, acne and psoriasis.