Bactimo Syrup is a natural blood purifier and natural body revitalizer developed by the Vital care research and development team. It helps the body absorb nutrients and helps remove blood impurities. It improves overall health and revitalizes the body with natural herbal ingredients.
HardeStimulates bile secretion as it detoxifies liver,helps digestion and assimilation and reduces serum cholesterol and lipid levels through out body
BahedaIt is mainly prescribe as a Detoxifying agent and Rejuvenator
ManjisthaHelps in blood purification & restores normal skin glow
HaldiRejuvenates the skin & prevents recurrence of pimple
- Correct indigestion
- Helps absorption of nutrients
- Restores normal skin
- Neutralizes harmful free radicals
- Removes impurities from the blood
- Improves glow of the skin
Dosage: 1 or 2 teaspoonful (5 to 10 ml) 2-3 times a day or as directed by the physician.
Indication: Blood purifier for skin problems,acne vulgaris, boils & rashis, Blemishes, puritus, itching & eczema, Helps check indigestion.
Presentation: 200 ml.
Ingredient Name | Qty(in mg.) |
Rubia cordifolia (Manjistha) | 100 mg. |
Curcuma longa (Haldi) | 100mg. |
Azardiracta indica (Neem) | 30 mg. |
Tinospora cordifoila (Guduchi) | 10 mg. |
Embelica officinalis (Amla) | 10 mg. |
Terminalia belerica (Baheda) | 10 mg. |
Terminalia chebula (Harde) | 10 mg. |
Saraca indica (Ashoka) | 15 mg. |
Symplocos racemosa (Lodhra) | 10 mg |
Embelia ribes (Vidang) | 10 mg. |
Smilax china (Chopchini) | 10 mg. |
Foeniculum vulgare (Saunf) A.B | 10 mg. |
Cow urine ghan powder | 68 mg. |
Flavoured Syrup Base | Q.S. |
I wanted to share my personal experience with Bactimo Ayurvedic Syrup. This product has been amazing for improving the glow of my skin. I have noticed a visible difference in the radiance and overall appearance of my skin since I started using it. I highly recommend Bactimo Ayurvedic Syrup for anyone looking to enhance the natural glow of their skin.
I can see glow on my face
Bactimo syrup is good for clearing waste out of body with hot water.
I had ordered this for my sister. She has been using it for more than two weeks and she says it is a nice tonic. She feels an improvement in her pimples specifically.