Free Online Consultation for Psoriasis: Get the Help You Need Today

Apr 28 , 2023

Sankalp Agrawal

Free Online Consultation for Psoriasis: Get the Help You Need Today

Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune condition that affects the skin, causing it to become red, itchy, and scaly. It affects millions of people worldwide, and while there is no cure for psoriasis, there are treatments available to help manage symptoms. In this article, we will discuss the types of psoriasis, its causes, and available treatment options.

Types of Psoriasis:

  1. Plaque psoriasis: The most common type of psoriasis, plaque psoriasis causes raised, red, and scaly patches on the skin.
  2. Guttate psoriasis: This type of psoriasis is characterized by small, dot-like lesions on the skin. It often occurs in children and young adults and can be triggered by a strep infection.
  3. Inverse psoriasis: Inverse psoriasis affects the skin folds, such as the armpits, groin, and under the breasts. The skin appears red and inflamed, but it does not have scales.
  4. Pustular psoriasis: This type of psoriasis causes pus-filled blisters on the skin. It can occur on any part of the body and may be accompanied by fever, chills, and other flu-like symptoms.
  5. Erythrodermic psoriasis: This is the least common but most severe type of psoriasis. It can cover the entire body with a red, peeling rash that can be itchy and painful.

Causes of Psoriasis:

The exact cause of psoriasis is unknown, but it is believed to be caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Psoriasis can be triggered by:

  1. Stress: Emotional stress can trigger or worsen psoriasis symptoms.
  2. Infections: Bacterial or viral infections, such as strep throat, can trigger guttate psoriasis.
  3. Injury: Skin injuries, such as cuts, scrapes, and sunburns, can cause psoriasis to flare up.
  4. Medications: Certain medications, such as lithium, beta-blockers, and antimalarial drugs, can trigger or worsen psoriasis symptoms.
  5. Weather: Cold and dry weather can cause psoriasis to flare up.

Treatment Options:

While there is no cure for psoriasis, there are treatments available to help manage symptoms. Treatment options include:

  1. Topical medications: These are creams, lotions, and ointments that are applied directly to the skin. They can help reduce inflammation and itchiness.
  2. Phototherapy: This involves exposing the skin to ultraviolet light to slow down the growth of skin cells.
  3. Systemic medications: These are medications that are taken orally or by injection. They work throughout the body to reduce inflammation and slow down skin cell growth.
  4. Biologic drugs: These are a newer class of medications that target specific parts of the immune system that cause inflammation.
  5. Lifestyle changes: Making changes to your lifestyle, such as reducing stress, quitting smoking, and eating a healthy diet, can help reduce psoriasis symptoms.


Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune disease that can be frustrating to manage. However, with the right treatment plan and home remedies, you can relieve your symptoms and feel more comfortable in your skin. If you're experiencing symptoms of psoriasis, be sure to consult with your healthcare provider to determine the best treatment plan for your individual needs. And remember, we offer a free online consultation for psoriasis, so don't hesitate to reach out for help.